• info@sfsc.co.uk


Tri-Icicle 2024

Tri-Icicle – 27 October 2024

Junior Race Training

Three days of coaching during February half term to
improve your sailing and racing skills!

21st, 22nd and 23rd February 2024 – 10am until 4pm

Fully qualified and experienced coaches to provide excellent advice in a fun, friendly surrounding.

Limited numbers but members will be given priority so please let us know your interest early.

Galley open for breakfast and lunch every day. Tea and coffee just 60p!

Level 3 and upwards. Minimum age 8. Three days sailing for £60 for members and £75 for non-members.

All junior dinghy sailors welcome, Lasers, Toppers, Oppies etc

Please contact sfsc1@hotmail.com to register your interest.

Burns Night 2024

ITCA R1 – SNOWFLAKES 14th January 2024

So exciting and biting cold to be at our first ITCA East Regional race event of 2024 at Snowflakes, Wroxham. I had sailed in the summer when it was Norfolk Broads Yacht Club (very Swallows & Amazon) and loved it then but remember it is a tricky place to sail with lots of wind shifts and tourists. The tourists were gone but the wind shifts were plentiful. All the Snowflakes members were so welcoming and we raced together with several different boat types including Star, Yoeman, Laser, Splash, Solo and other dinghies. Our event consisted of four races. The wind was West North Westerly and light which suited a certain type of sailor! 

Races 1 and 2 were longer, we even went ashore for a break in between to warm up. 

New to 5.3 Toby Turner took a strong lead in the first race at the windward mark (buoy 3) which continued around buoy 5. The front pack were really spaced out and chasing Toby was Jensen Jakob, Tabitha Blackman Northwood and Harry Wemyss. However local sailor Jensen Jakobs stormed past and took the race with a superb finish followed by Toby Turner 2nd, Theo Chapallaz 3rd, Sofia Eaton 4th and Tabitha Blackman Northwood 5th

After a hot chocolate and renewed energy there were strong starts in race 2 from Faith Turner, Sally Kerry, Sofia Eaton and Yasmine Braham. However, once again Jensen stormed ahead and rounded the first buoy.  There was a change of wind which brought the fleet closer and mixed us all up. During the second lap of race 2 things got exciting as the sailors all bunched up and were moving positions. The sibling rivalry started between the Turner sailors and even a Star boat joined in too which perhaps led the Toppers to head off in different directions as well as the wind shifting to North Westerly which lifted Faith Turner and Tabitha Blackman Northwood. Big sister Faith Turner took 1st place followed by Toby Turner in 2nd place and Tabitha Blackman Northwood 3rd.

After a lovely warm lunch thanks to the Snowflakes Galley everyone was re-energised meanwhile the wind had dropped.  This meant that races 3 and 4 were shorter and slower races. No one gave up however and there was a real fight jostling for positions in difficult light wind sailing conditions making crucial decisions about when to tack. But it was Toby Turners tactical decisions on the day that paid off and his remarkable comebacks. Congratulations to siblings Faith and Toby for their first ITCA events in 5.3 and Jensen Jakob too who neatly sandwiched between them with a strong 2nd place overall. 

Meanwhile, Henry Lambert and Toby Hailey jostled for positions in the 4.2s with two wins each but Noah Hughes 2nd place in the 3rd race was the deciding factor leading to a narrow win by Henry Lambert. 

Congratulations to all the brave sailors for taking part and sticking at it, especially Yasmine Braham who capsized and carried on despite the freezing water. 

Editor: Claudia Savory, 229 (SBSC).



1st Henry Lambert – 268 (Hunts SC)

2nd Toby Hailey – 606 (WOBYC)

3rd Noah Hughes – 310 (Waldringfield SC)


1st Toby Turner – 169 (Snettisham Beach SC)

2nd Jensen Jakobs – 521 (NBYC)

3rd Faith Turner – 173 (Snettisham Beach SC)

4th Tabitha Blackman Northwood – 568 (Hunts SC)

5th Sofia Eaton – 232 (Snettisham Beach SC)

6th Theo Chapallaz (NBYC)

7th Harry Wemyss – 336 (Hickling Broad SC/Snowflakes SC)

8th Joshua Blackman Northwood – 209 (Hunts SC)

9th Robin Hailey – 605 (WOBYC)

10th Yasmine Braham 509 (NBYC)

11th Claudia Savory – 229 (SBSC)

12th Sally Kerry – 348 (SBSC)

2023-2024 Membership

Forms now available for membership. See details on our membership page

Snowflakes Sailing Club to relocate to Wroxham Broad

The Flag Officers and Committees of Snowflakes and NBYC are delighted to announce that they have reached an agreement that, from the beginning of the winter season 2023, all SFSC activities will take place at Wroxham Broad.

This has secured the future of SFSC and will significantly increase the opportunities for the membership of both organisations.

SFSC will remain a separate club and retain our unique identity whilst being affiliated to NBYC. We will run our own winter series of racing and social programmes as per usual. SFSC members will have full access to the excellent facilities that NBYC offers throughout our season.

NBYC members wishing to enter the winter racing events will need to join SFSC, unless invited as guests, as before.
NBYC members and SFSC will of course have full access to the club and have a standing invitation to spectate and to enjoy any catering provided during racing.

You will appreciate that this is a significant change for both clubs, one we know will enrich the experience of all. A great deal of time and effort has been expended in creating a suitable agreement that protects the interests of all whilst increasing opportunities for both memberships. It will take the first winter season for us to put the agreement into full operation, but we are confident that the welcome we have received from NBYC will be demonstrated in the relaxed Snowflake spirit throughout the winter.

In the meantime the SFSC committee will be working diligently with NBYC to ensure that this will be a smooth transition and start of a new era of Snowflakes at a new location.

For your information membership forms will be available over the next few weeks and we have maintained the same
rate as last year for membership. Also as a thank you for your support there is a 10% discount for paid up members prior to October 31 st. This is membership only.

  • Adult Racing: £60 (£54)
  • Family Racing: £85 (£76.50)
  • Junior Racing*: £25 (£22.50)
  • Student Racing: £25 (£22.50)
  • Associate: £35 (£31.50)

*Junior membership must be accompanied by at least one parent/carer joining as an Associate

As briefly mentioned at the AGM, mooring and berths will need to be paid to NBYC once completed and paid
membership is received by SFSC….This season rates will be £120 keelboat mooring, £60 dinghy berth, £40 Junior
dinghy berth. (No more than a 5% increase per annum for following 2 seasons).

We will keep you posted.

2023-2024 Membership

Membership for the 2023-2024 season will be available shortly, please check back or contact us.

Prize Giving – 18 March 2023

Feb ’23 Race Training Photos

Many thanks to Trish Barnes for sharing these amazing photos. See Dropbox album.

Junior Race Training Feb 2023